• Is the network secure?
    Yes. Battle Plan and it’s products meet or surpass industry standards. We use 256 bit encryption, the same security used by banks to ensure our network, information, and customers enjoy the highest level of protection.
  • How long do I keep the IRF’s (Information Release Form) on file?
    We recommend that you keep them for at least three years.
  • What can I use to introduce my church to Benevolence Tracker?

    We have provided you with videos, church information handouts, and the ability to share this product with fellow churches and their leadership. We have tried to take the work out of the introduction/explanation process to make it excessively easy for you to promote us in your churches, communities, and across denominations.

    Under our Resources tab you will find everything you will need!

    • Intro Video
    • Church Info Brochure
    • How-To Handout
    • FAQ

  • What if someone comes to our church for help and once informed of the Benevolence Tracker system, fails to fill out IRF or simply walks out?
    We want to capture that information, and that is why we have placed the option immediately upon selection of a “New Request” to select “Cancel/Walkout.” This will ensure that we are able to see the effectiveness of the system even in deterring fraud by its very existence.
  • Denominational Affiliation?
    We have intentionally made the system a non-denominational / non-theological space in order to diminish areas of disagreement or conflict.
  • Will our church / organization remain anonymous?
    Yes. The only visible information that will be seen when a search is initiated will be the information specific to the individuals (IRF) and the actions taken by network churches pertaining to either the person or their request. The Who and where of our members remains anonymous to other network organizations.
  • Is Benevolence Tracker intended to serve as a criminal, financial, or character background check?
    No. We are simply safeguarding networked churches by recognizing criteria that would detect or deter fraud and recurring gifts.
  • Can Multiple churches use the same account?
    No. We have deliberately priced our product to ensure that it is accessible to everyone, and the system is designed to collect information based on individual church activity. This allows not only the individual church to safeguard their aid, but this also allows for each church to play their part in the greater network which is designed to provide accountability and protect communities and denominations both statewide and nationally.
  • Battle Plan provides so much free information…why do we charge for Benevolence Tracker?
    • Privacy / Security
    • Restrict adds / Commercials
    • Maintain system integrity
  • Is there any system like Benevolence Tracker on the market?
    No. There is not another network that has been specifically designed for churches and their benevolence ministry to provide accountability and detect and deter fraud. We are very excited about this! (this has been a need for many, many years)
  • How is Benevolence Tracker optimized for our churches, communities, and denominations?
    We have intentionally done two things: One, make the system a non-denominational/ non-theological space in order to diminish areas of disagreement or conflict. And, secondly, we have made the actions of individual churches…private, while allowing their actions pertaining to individuals and their needs…public. This allows for individual churches’ internal accountability, and external detection and deterrence of fraud across denominational, community, and state lines. Therefore, the more churches and faith based organizations that utilize our system, the more you can protect your individual churches, communities, and denominations as a whole.